When you have a product you’ve created, it’s important to find the right person to take that product through the next steps. Perhaps you’ve worked with an incubator and need further tweaking of your product before approaching vendors or manufacturers. Maybe you have a great idea but don’t have the skills to pattern or produce the product.
Product development service is only available in the greater Cincinnati area. I feel that in-person meetings are important part of the early process, and it also helps expedite getting supplies and product back and forth.
Initial Consultation: $100 for first meeting (1 hour), to discuss your idea, your goals, where you are in the process, the specifics of how you want to move forward, and my role in the project. If you decide to move forward with me, the $100 is credited to your account.
Development and Launch package $600-1200 depending on scope of project
Initial consultation (as discussed above)
Logistics meeting:
Discuss details of the product,
Create supplies list and timeline (you are responsible for supplies purchase but I can recommend sources)
Discuss patterning, order of steps in construction
Look at any existing prototypes and discuss
Once I have supplies from you, I will create a prototype, or refine an existing prototype
This will be followed by 2-4 process meetings:
Using the equipment I own or have access to:
Look at newest prototype
Discuss if there are pattern changes or construction details that will make the manufacturing process more expedient
Product supply and equipment recommendations
Recommendations to move the process forward
Discussion of notes, improvement, changes, with additional notes provided via email as necessary for the following couple of weeks as you gather more feedback
I will make a new prototype using newest information, and schedule the next meeting
Final meeting:
Using the equipment I own or have access to:
I will provide step-by-step instructions (both written and amateur video) for you to be able to move forward with piecework stitchers or a small manufacturer
Spec sheet
Time stamp of each step of the process
Paper patterns or other patterns, cheat sheets, or other helps that I created
I will build product at this point equivalent to 10 hours of labor. You will have product to show clients until you can establish with small manufacturers.
Payment for first consultation of $100 is due at the time of the meeting
1/3 of balance due at Logistics (second) meeting
1/3 of balance due at the second process meeting
1/3 due at final meeting when product is delivered
Other questions answered:
The client agrees to allow me to use photos of their product and/or photos of our process for marketing, client will be credited/ tagged, and in return to credit/ tag me when they post their product development and initial launch.
Items provided at final meeting become property of client (I will not claim design rights or trademark on patterns).
If funding is coming from a 3rd party (grant or angel funding), payment schedule may be altered for the convenience of the funding source. However, meetings and labor will not take place until funding is in hand.
If client wants more product than the 10 hours of labor provided in the final meeting, I charge $50/hr labor for additional product. I am not a manufacturer; I am here to help you with the next steps of your process.
Please hit the Contact tab and let me know more about your product!